Lake Grove Elementary Partners With Hood To Coast Relay

(4-2-07) From Press Release - Lake Grove Elementary School PTA is excited to announce the Kick-off of their 2nd annual fitness program for its 1st - 6th graders.

Concerned with the growing trend of childhood obesity, the Lake Grove PTA felt they needed to create a program that allowed students to choose an active lifestyle. Chris VanLeeuwen, PTA member and long time runner, thought the Hood To Coast Relay was the ideal event to model their new program around. "Running in Hood To Coast is a unique experience. Its foundation is about running, but it's the fun and team camaraderie along the way that makes it special. Exactly what the kids need to stay interested in fitness". The Lake Grove PTA put their own spin on Hood To Coast, and last year organized the first ever Lake Grove To Coast Relay. VanLeeuwen says, "I hope the name similarity carries forward with the kids, and they'll choose to participate in events like Hood To Coast as adults.
" The PTA sponsored program was optional to those who choose to participate. Incredibly, 200 kids signed up to spend their lunch time to "relay" around the school track.

Now in it's second year, the Lake Grove To Coast Relay is a popular event with the students. Parent organizers expect 300 kids to sign up for the program which will kick off on April 6. The kids form relay teams that run, walk, or jog laps on the playground during their recess three days a week. In true
"Hood To Coast Relay" fashion, they relay around the track for 4 weeks until they reach their goal of 100 miles, equal to the trek from Lake Grove Elementary School to the Pacific Coast. Parent volunteers help track the teams' progress on a large map inside the school. Lake Grove Principal, Jonnie Shobaki, believes "it helps us emphasize to children that fitness goes beyond physical activity required at school and falls into the realm of habits individuals establish for a lifetime. This is a great way for kids to have fun, interact in teams, and learn how to incorporate fitness into their daily lives."

Hood To Coast Relay supports the event by giving the kids the feel of an authentic relay. The kids kick off their run or walk under the Hood To Coast Start Line Banner, hand off official wrist bands that serve as the team batons, and are given finisher medals at the completion of the event. Hood To Coast supplies the same batons and medals as they give their adult participants. Hood To Coast partners are also stepping up to support the Lake Grove to Coast program this year. Fred Meyer Stores' mascot, Fred Bear, will make an appearance on opening day; KINK fm 102 Morning Show hosts, Rebecca Webb & Les Sarnoff are scheduled as
"guest runners"; and Hood To Coast’s Charity of Choice, the American Cancer Society, is providing the kids with water bottles.

Hood To Coast founder, Bob Foote says,
"I'm excited about being an inspiration for this youth fitness program. My love for running has helped me to develop life long healthy habits. Lake Grove To Coast Relay is putting the kids on that path, and I hope they continue with it as adults."

The 2nd Annual Lake Grove To Coast kicks off April 6th at Lake Grove Elementary School, and will run for 4 weeks.

For information about Hood To Coast events, call (503) 292-4626, or visit