(9-14-09) Submitted by Kirk Rose - Saturday, September 12 date of this year's Black Hills Triathlon - an odd distance race consisting of a 1k swim, 30mi bike and 4.3k run - all perfectly matched to the venue in Olympia, WA.
While there certainly were some great performances, the greatest had to be the crew that made the event possible. It is my opinion that AA Sports puts on the best multi-sport events in the Northwest. How they do that is in there preparation, focus on details and making sure that everybody in the event is safe. Every triathlete should volunteer at least once to see what goes into such an event. Months of preparation in getting the database of entries set, ordering of awards, planning for the food at the event, checking the logistics to make sure there is electricity and water, getting permits for the road use and more. Then the days before are busy with setting up the transition area, measuring the course and checking for hazards, preparing the packets for the athletes, setting up packet pickup and marking the course with chalk, cones, candles, buoys in the water etc. Just the scheduling of bike support, course monitoring, course volunteers, getting fresh food to the venue and keeping the locals happy is a full time job in itself. I must say, GREAT JOB to AA Sports and to all those individuals who gave up their day to volunteer. The athletes and sportsmanship that they portrayed made this one event to remember.